Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Today's Word of Blessing


Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.    (Revelation 3:20)
  Dearly beloved, when the Lord’s presence is with you, you will be blessed and protected. He says: “Fear not Jacob; you are My servant, I am with you. I will save you.”

Through His angels, God spoke to His servants. He comforted Zechariah: “Zechariah, fear not, for your prayer is heard.” To Mary He said, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God” (Luke 1:30). When God is with you, His grace will be upon you.

One day while Peter, the man of God, was speaking in the house of Cornelius the centurion, the Holy Spirit filled them. Even today, He wants to fill you with His love. He is not a respecter of persons. Whoever longs and asks for the Holy Spirit, will receive Him in his/ her heart.

Lord Jesus says: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20). When you invite Him: “Lord! Come into my heart,” He will surely come and bless you.

A mother who had not known Lord Jesus Christ went to the bazaar. She saw a gramophone record “If Jesus comes home.” Saying to herself, “I shall try this,” she bought it and had it played. When she heard the message that Lord Jesus would come to her house, she wondered: “Will Jesus come into my home?” Just then, she heard a knock at the door. Opening the door, she had a vision of Lord Jesus! He entered the house and blessed everyone of the inmates. That family became strengthened in the Lord and lives as a witness for Him.

God is willing to enter your home. He is knocking at your door. Will you open the door and give room to Him? It is your responsibility to draw your family members to Lord Jesus Christ. Your virtuous conduct must cleanse them of their sins. Are you leading a life pleasing to God? Do you live as a faithful person devoted to God? He will then bless your family.


Loving Lord Jesus,

I humbly invite You into my life. Come and dwell in my heart. Let your presence be with me and protect me. Let your grace and favour be upon my life. Enable me to live virtuously that I may draw my family members towards You. May your divine love flow through me into their lives. Make me a channel of blessings to them.

In Your matchless name I pray.



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