Saturday, 27 April 2013

Today's Word of Blessing


The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them.     (Psalm 34:7)
The Dhinakarans Dearly beloved, our God is the mighty Deliverer. He will never forsake you.

Some years ago, a certain young man came to the Jesus Calls office. He was born in a very influential family. His father was a big merchant. No one in his family desired to know Lord Jesus.

But this young man had a great love for Lord Jesus since his boyhood. He loved the Jesus Calls ministry also. He wouldn’t go to see any film, and all the time he would be engaged with the Jesus Calls audio/ video cassettes.

His parents feared that he won’t attend to the family’s business but become a preacher. They prevented him from attending the Jesus Calls meetings. On those days when meetings were held, they would lock him inside a room. Yes! Very often, those of our own household may turn against us.

Our God is merciful. He is mighty to deliver you from all your problems. The Bible says, “The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them” (Psalm 34:7). When you call upon the Lord, He will hear your cry. He will miraculously deliver you from all your problems. He will command His angels to guard you. He will enable you to lead a peaceful life.


Loving Lord Jesus,

I call upon You for help. You are mighty to deliver me from all my problems. Please hear my cry and have mercy on me. I trust in You for your divine help. Deliver me from all my problems through your mighty power. Help me to lead a peaceful life.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.



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