Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Today's Word of Blessing

I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.    (Genesis 12:2)
Dearly beloved, when the Lord sets His hands on you and blesses you, your family will be blessed through you. The Bible says that when Jacob lived in his uncle Laban’s house, God blessed the latter and all his belongings immeasurably. One day, when Jacob prepared to leave Laban’s house for his native land, his uncle pleaded with him: "If I have found favor in your eyes, please stay. I have learned by divination that the LORD has blessed me because of you" (Genesis 30:27).

What Laban had before Jacob came to him, was little (Genesis 30:30). However, from the day Jacob set foot in his house, his blessings began abounding. Amazed at it, he went to the soothsayers and asked them what could be the secret of his bountiful blessings. They told him that it was all due to the presence of a newcomer called Jacob in his house.

You may be bemoaning saying, “Alas! Poverty is so rampant in my family. My father or mother is bed-ridden all the time!” Are you broken-hearted because of problems in the family? The Lord who blessed Laban through Jacob, will bless your family also through you.

I came to the Lord in 1980. I was then 18 years old. Before that, I did not bother in the least about God! My parents used to shed tears for me. There was no peace at home. Everywhere people rose against us. Hence, my mother fasted one day in the week and prayed in tears for me, day and night. God touched me very soon. He filled me with His Holy Spirit. Our home, dull and dreary till then, became a haven of peace and joy. Since then the ministry began spreading. Countless miracles were witnessed in the Good News meetings and people were drawn to them in lakhs. My father had a promotion in his profession and his pre-eminence as a servant of God began to spread all over the world. In the ministry also, buildings and equipment increased in abundance. Both our family and the ministry began prospering.

All because I accepted the Lord and gave Him room in my heart, our family was abundantly blessed by God. Today whether it be in the family or the ministry, I am consulted on all matters. If I am honoured so much, it is all because Lord Jesus is with me and prospers all my undertakings. Because the hand of the Lord is upon me, my family is blessed so much.

Perhaps you may be young in age but do not forget that you alone are responsible for the blessings in your family. When the Lord sets His hand upon you, He will cause abundant blessings to be poured into your family. There will be prosperity in your family. Your parents, relatives, brothers and sisters will love you and respect you. They will say about you with pride: “He/ she has come to Lord Jesus Christ and is channel of blessings to us.” The love of those around you, will surround you all through your lives. You will become a blessing to your family and the society at large.


Loving Lord Jesus,

I seek You with my whole heart. Let your hand be with me. Bless me in order that I may be a blessing to others. Lord, be with me and prosper all my undertakings. Make me a channel of blessings to my family. Let their love surround me all through my life. May our home become a haven of peace and joy. Help me to spread your divine fragrance everywhere I go.

In Your matchless name I pray.



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