Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)
Dearly beloved, the Lord will do mighty deeds in your life. Place your trust in Him and behold His miracles.
King Jehoshaphat loved the Lord very much. Once, several kings joined together and came to battle against him. He knew very well that he could not fight them in his own strength. So, he fasted and sought the Almighty God. He collected his subjects and together they prayed: “Lord! We have no power in us. But You have power and might in Your hand and none can withstand You. We are caught in peril and therefore look up to You. You are sure to hear our prayers and deliver us.”
King Jehoshaphat then consulted the people and formed a choir to sing the praises of the Lord. When they began to sing and praise the Lord, the enemies rose against one another and killed themselves. Soon their dead bodies lay scattered on the ground. No one escaped. All that he and his people had to do was to collect their spoil. It took them three days to strip the dead bodies of precious jewelry and other valuables. Yes! God had fought for them because they praised Him and left the battle in His hands.
You too had better lay at the feet of the Lord all the Himalayan problems which confront you. After all, Jehoshaphat was a man like you and me! All that he did was to cling fast to the Lord. You and I can very well do that and receive God’s blessings in our lives. That is why David said so confidently: “The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me” (Psalm 138:8). Apostle Paul also says out of his own experience: “The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever” (2 Timothy 4:18). What are the things which make you fear and tremble? Praise the Lord and entrust them all to His care.
A husband and wife lived happily together. Many women tried their best to win that man’s love right under the notice of his wife. But he was a devout man who kept himself away from all their overtures. His wife was at first annoyed by the flirtations of those women. However, she did not want to broach the subject to her husband, pick up a quarrel and wreck the harmony of their home; for she knew him to be clean and upright. Rather, she decided to pray to the Lord for those wicked women from whose designs He would surely deliver them.
Everyday at a fixed time, she prayed with tears to God that those vicious women should stop coming to her husband and repent and mend their lives. Before every prayer, she praised the Lord profusely: “Lord! So many are the blessings You have showered upon my life. You have given me a husband, a devout man who inspite of the overtures made by these wicked women, can’t be seduced by them.” In this manner, she catalogued all the blessings she had received from the Lord and praised Him for them. She then placed their needs at His feet.
Days passed by. She did not know how those women stopped their advances to her husband. Further, she could no longer see those women who spoke so fondly to her husband, showing her a wry face. After some more days, those women came seeking not her husband, but herself. It was a surprise why they came to her. Through her devout and prayerful life, the Lord had drawn them to her. They came to her and even without their knowledge, began pouring before her all their hardships in life. God’s love and compassion filled her heart. She did not reject them for their treachery to her. She prayed in tears that they should become the children of God and receive His blessings. They were greatly comforted. Also, a divine comfort and joy overflowed her heart.
God will do great deed in your lives also. On seeing evil, do not be annoyed, lose your temper and resort to quarelling. Entrust it to the Lord after offering praises to Him. The Bible exhorts, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). “Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving” (Ephesians 5:4). The Lord will fight your battle! You are sure to see miracles in your life!
Loving Lord Jesus,
You have power and might in Your hand. I am unable to fight my problems through my own strength. I look up to You for help. I lay all my problems at your feet. I entrust them all to your care. Hear my prayers. Fight the battle for me and deliver me. Perform mighty deeds in my life. Enable me to see mighty miracles.
In Your matchless name I pray.
King Jehoshaphat loved the Lord very much. Once, several kings joined together and came to battle against him. He knew very well that he could not fight them in his own strength. So, he fasted and sought the Almighty God. He collected his subjects and together they prayed: “Lord! We have no power in us. But You have power and might in Your hand and none can withstand You. We are caught in peril and therefore look up to You. You are sure to hear our prayers and deliver us.”
King Jehoshaphat then consulted the people and formed a choir to sing the praises of the Lord. When they began to sing and praise the Lord, the enemies rose against one another and killed themselves. Soon their dead bodies lay scattered on the ground. No one escaped. All that he and his people had to do was to collect their spoil. It took them three days to strip the dead bodies of precious jewelry and other valuables. Yes! God had fought for them because they praised Him and left the battle in His hands.
You too had better lay at the feet of the Lord all the Himalayan problems which confront you. After all, Jehoshaphat was a man like you and me! All that he did was to cling fast to the Lord. You and I can very well do that and receive God’s blessings in our lives. That is why David said so confidently: “The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me” (Psalm 138:8). Apostle Paul also says out of his own experience: “The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever” (2 Timothy 4:18). What are the things which make you fear and tremble? Praise the Lord and entrust them all to His care.
A husband and wife lived happily together. Many women tried their best to win that man’s love right under the notice of his wife. But he was a devout man who kept himself away from all their overtures. His wife was at first annoyed by the flirtations of those women. However, she did not want to broach the subject to her husband, pick up a quarrel and wreck the harmony of their home; for she knew him to be clean and upright. Rather, she decided to pray to the Lord for those wicked women from whose designs He would surely deliver them.
Everyday at a fixed time, she prayed with tears to God that those vicious women should stop coming to her husband and repent and mend their lives. Before every prayer, she praised the Lord profusely: “Lord! So many are the blessings You have showered upon my life. You have given me a husband, a devout man who inspite of the overtures made by these wicked women, can’t be seduced by them.” In this manner, she catalogued all the blessings she had received from the Lord and praised Him for them. She then placed their needs at His feet.
Days passed by. She did not know how those women stopped their advances to her husband. Further, she could no longer see those women who spoke so fondly to her husband, showing her a wry face. After some more days, those women came seeking not her husband, but herself. It was a surprise why they came to her. Through her devout and prayerful life, the Lord had drawn them to her. They came to her and even without their knowledge, began pouring before her all their hardships in life. God’s love and compassion filled her heart. She did not reject them for their treachery to her. She prayed in tears that they should become the children of God and receive His blessings. They were greatly comforted. Also, a divine comfort and joy overflowed her heart.
God will do great deed in your lives also. On seeing evil, do not be annoyed, lose your temper and resort to quarelling. Entrust it to the Lord after offering praises to Him. The Bible exhorts, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). “Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving” (Ephesians 5:4). The Lord will fight your battle! You are sure to see miracles in your life!
Loving Lord Jesus,
You have power and might in Your hand. I am unable to fight my problems through my own strength. I look up to You for help. I lay all my problems at your feet. I entrust them all to your care. Hear my prayers. Fight the battle for me and deliver me. Perform mighty deeds in my life. Enable me to see mighty miracles.
In Your matchless name I pray.
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