Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27)
When the Holy Spirit descends upon you, you will be filled with the peace of God. That peace was in Lord Jesus Christ. When the enemies of Lord Jesus wanted to arrest Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, they searched for Him everywhere.
At that time He asked them: “Whom are you seeking?” They said: “We seek Jesus of Nazareth.” He then told them: "I am he…" (John 18:6). They could not believe that. They were puzzled that knowing that they had come to arrest Him, He was quite unruffled and surrendered Himself. Yes, the divine peace in Him chased all the fears away.
Only the Holy Spirit gave Him that peace (Hebrews 9:14). That is why Lord Jesus, though He was earlier troubled about death (Matthew 26:38), when the Holy Spirit came upon Him prayed unto His Father: “Father, not as I will, but as You will.” Through the divine peace brought by the Holy Spirit, confidence was instilled in Him. He had faith that the Father will do everything good for Him.
In Acts 12:8, we read that Peter was caught and imprisoned by Herod. Like James, he was bound and imprisoned to be executed the next day. But his heart was filled with peace. He had sound sleep in his chains without bothering about the grave danger awaiting him the next day. He had perfect peace and a sound mind. He knew fully well: “No harm will befall me. All things work together for good according to the purpose of God.” According to his faith, an angel of God opened the gates of the prison and took him out from there. He was released miraculously.
Often we worry about trivial matters. When examinations approach, we are deeply disturbed. We become discouraged feeling that we would surely fail. And consequently we fail in the examinations. When some anxiety regarding our family affects us, unnecessary problems arise in the family and we fight among ourselves. Now and then, while anxiety regarding our jobs affects us we think: “I will surely lose my job. I can’t do justice to it.” A nameless fear haunts us and in the end we lose our jobs.
In our daily lives, a kind of dread haunts us without our knowledge. But beloved! When the Holy Spirit comes within us, divine peace will fill our hearts even in the midst of problems. He will give us a clear understanding. As a result, we will be able to face our problems calmly and achieve success.
Loving Lord Jesus,
You are the Prince of peace. I seek your divine peace in my life. I trust in You for You are my everlasting refuge. Come and abide within me. Let your divine peace fill my heart. Deliver me from all my fears. Help me to overcome my problems and achieve success in life.
In Your matchless name I pray.
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