Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Today's Word of Blessing


And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.    (Romans 5:5)
  Dearly beloved, the Bible says, “The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever” (1 John 2:17).

I once read a humorous story. One day a pastor phoned up to the commissioner of the municipality and said, “A donkey lies dead in front of my house. Please make arrangements for burying it.”

The clerk who spoke over the phone said mischievously: “Pastor! It is your responsibility to bury the dead.” The pastor retorted, “It is true that we bury the dead. But before that, we contact the close relatives of the deceased. Hence I rang up to you.”

On many occasions, there are those who also become like the donkey. The more Lord Jesus Christ tries to transform them, the more they become like the donkey. 1 John 2:16 says that this world brings ‘pride of life’ into their hearts. Through the lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes, it tries to ruin them. But the Bible says: “For this world in its present form is passing away” (1 Corinthians 7:31).

In Matthew chapter 4, we read how the devil came to Lord Jesus and said that if He would fall down and worship him, he would make Him great by giving Him the glory of this world and its riches. Likewise, today the devil enters into the hearts of young men and women saying: “You follow me and I will make you great.” Alas! What a pity, and this world passes off.

Look at the experts in rock music. They appear so sure and confident on the stage. People forget themselves and dance to their music and even become slaves to it. But if you examine the lives of those artistes, you will find that they show off their talents only on the stage. But in their real lives, they are addicted to drugs and slaves to the lusts of the flesh with no peace in their families. Ultimately, they die of incurable and dreadful diseases. Moreover, when their fame fades away, they lose their peace and ruin their lives.

When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, the love of God is being poured out (Romans 5:5). You start loving God with all your heart. He always protects your soul and He abides in you. Lord Jesus said in John 16:32; 8:28,29: “My Father is always with Me. He does not leave Me alone because I always do those things that please Him.”

The Holy Spirit transforms you to do His will. He will help you to stand for Him steadily. After that, you will feel in your heart that you are a child of God and that you should not sin against Him. You can boldly say, “Lord Jesus loves me. He gives me whatever I ask in His name. Since I love Him much, I have the right to ask Him everything. I will not yield to the pleasures of sin. I can ask anything from Him.” Then the blessings of God will surely come upon you.


Loving Lord Jesus,

I delight in pleasing You. I desire to do your will. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Transform me to do your will. Help me to obey You and do what is right. Preserve me from the evil ways of life. Abide in me and protect my soul. Give me the grace to live according to your ways.

In Your matchless name I pray.



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