Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)
Kings used to wear signet rings. It is God’s desire to make you a signet ring. He wants to honour you. He says, “I will be with him in trouble and I will deliver him and honour him” (Psalm 91:15).
There was a person by name Joe who was addicted to the evil habit of drinking for 25 years. He used to torment his wife and children. On account of his misdeeds, he was taken to the police station quite often. People in his street would say, “Why this man is coming home?” He was such a cruel person.
Joe saw a lot of people visiting the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. Suddenly, one day, he too walked into the Prayer Tower. A Prayer Warrior received him with much love and prayed for him with compassion. He was very much comforted, and he started visiting the Prayer Tower regularly. He came seeking Lord Jesus and He delivered him completely from the habit of drinking liquor and sanctified him.
He joined his family in the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan. Then he started a business and enrolled the business in the Jesus Calls Business Blessing Plan. He also enrolled his children in the Young Partners Plan. Every month, he sent his offerings to the ministry regularly.
He even brought his friends, who were addicted to the habit of drinking, to the Prayer Tower so that they too can be delivered. The Lord blessed them also through the Prayer Tower. Whomever he meets, he talks to them about the love of Christ and the Jesus Calls Ministry. He brings them to the Prayer Tower and helps them to receive blessings. The Bible says, “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe” (Proverbs 18:10).
The Lord who transformed Bro. Joe will certainly bless you also. Just cry out to Him saying, “Lord, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit. You have chosen me even amidst my afflictions. Please help me to come forth as gold.” Then He will surely sanctify you, transform you and make you as a vessel of gold. You will become a vessel of honour, a worthy vessel and a signet ring for God.
Lord Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Accordingly, go into the presence of the Lord and lay all your burdens upon Him. He will refresh your weary soul.
Loving Lord Jesus,
I come to your holy presence. I place my burdens upon You. I trust in You. Deliver me from my afflictions and refresh my weary soul. Sanctify me and transform me into a vessel of gold. Make me a signet ring and lift me up in honour.
I ask this through Christ our Lord
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